Prefabricated houses, prices and websites to buy your custom house

Prefabricated houses, prices and websites to buy your custom house

In the middle of the last century, the human being finally achieved what had always been his dream: to become a snail. Undoubtedly, a phrase that may seem made to make a smile does not stop containing part of the truth. Around 1950 the 'mobile houses' or, as we know them here, 'prefabricated houses' were born in the United States. Some houses that were built in modules in a space set up for this purpose and that were later transferred to the 'definitive' place of residence. And we put that 'definitive' in quotation marks because, precisely, the main advantage that these 'mobile homes' offered is that they could be moved at the whim of their owner, since they were located on a platform with wheels.

With the house in tow: history of prefabricated houses

An ideal house, of course, for families who could not afford a permanent location: by hooking the platform to a truck they could set off to their other destination: that is why, literally, and as happens with snails, 'they went with the house in tow . ' At first, these prefabricated houses were modest in size and could only house a couple. Over time they grew in size and pretensions and might be able to house a large family. A house, of course, designed to serve as a permanent address and less practical to be transported.

30 years later, in the 1980s, the United States witnessed the transformation from mobile homes to manufactured homes as we know them today. Houses that no longer move, that may even be rooted to the ground with foundations like those of 'normal' houses. Some houses made of modules , depending on the number of people who were going to live in it. The construction material also evolved greatly, going from houses that could be turned into ovens due to the use of aluminum, to more comfortable rooms due to the use of insulating and comfortable materials.

The modules of the prefabricated houses are assembled between them as if they were a puzzle and offer clear advantages compared to the traditional houses that we all know: they are much cheaper , we can increase the house whenever we want by adding more modules, they offer the same safety and comfort as a traditional home and its manufacturing and delivery time are much shorter.

Prefabricated houses: websites where to find them

If you are interested in consulting the price of a prefabricated house and do not know where to start, in your expert we are going to tell you seven of the best websites that we have found for such purposes. This will make it easier for you to check prices and decide on a type of home that many have already embraced. Prices can vary significantly due to construction materials, type of housing and size, etc. and they can be found from 35,000 euros to more than 200,000 .

Generally, each website has a tab with the price of the house . In some cases, you must ask for the budget that meets your needs.

Norges hus

Who are they?

The Norges Hus company is specialized in the manufacture of prefabricated houses throughout the European environment . For their use they only use strong construction wood and are located in the north of Estonia, 20 km from Tallinn.

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How is the web organized?

On the main page we can see a selection of prefabricated houses and their sale price. To this price must be added, however, the transport of the materials from Estonia to Spain, their assembly and, of course, the corresponding VAT. Each house contains a detailed list of its main characteristics, along with a contact form in case we are interested in any of them. In addition, we can easily access the general table of all the prices of the houses that they offer. To do this, you have to place the mouse on 'Prefabricated Houses' and then 'Price List'.

norges hus

Norges hus

FHS Manufactured Homes

Who are they?

A company of manufacturers of prefabricated houses that take care of the whole process, having architects on staff who can help you with the design of your dream house . They receive the client in an architectural study and help with the paperwork they need to have their manufactured home.


How is the web organized?

A very complete website in which the company tells you how they make the houses and what materials they use for it, in addition to offering you an extensive catalog of them so that you get an idea of ​​what the final result could be like. Each house contains its plan and a photo gallery of its interior. Everything is counted in detail and, of course, we can contact them to request a budget without obligation.

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FHS Manufactured Homes

Wooden housing

Who are they?

Valencian company dedicated to the construction of prefabricated wooden and concrete houses , with both classic and modern design. They have a section in which the client is taught the best advice when buying a manufactured home.

wooden housing

Wooden House

How is the web organized?

In the section of its catalog we have classified the houses into two large groups: traditional and modern . Each home has its file, price, materials, etc.

Modular Homes

Who are they?

Modular Home builds prefabricated houses for the entire peninsula. A company awarded by the Center for Industrial Technological Development thanks to its Building Project .

How is the web organized?

modular homes

You can look at their catalog of modular and prefabricated houses, the latter classified as modern and rustic. It also has a very complete section in which they inform you of their working method as well as a section of frequently asked questions .

Modular Home


Who are they?

Since 1996, Canexel has been building custom wooden houses . Their houses represent a saving of 60% in energy consumption compared to the rest of the houses and can be built in a period of 6 months.

How is the web organized?

If you contact them they will send you a PDF of their extensive catalog: in the form you must indicate what type of home you are looking for. By not working with predetermined models, they need that information to offer you a free quote.



Other interesting places to buy your prefabricated house can be Cmera or Eurocasas. If you were thinking of acquiring a manufactured home, now you can have everything a little clearer.