Is it reliable to buy from Sharazon? 6 reasons it's not safe

sharazon is reliable 0 reviews

15-inch MacBook Pro at 1,500 euros, iPhone 11 Pro Max of 512 GB at less than 700 or iPad at only 200 euros. These are some of the most outstanding offers that we can currently find on the Sharazon website. Since the launch of the platform earlier this year, celebrities such as Omar Montes, Rafa Mora or El Cejas have promoted a multitude of offers related to the aforementioned electronic products sales portal. Is Sharazon Really Reliable? Is it a pyramid scam? Do the products arrive once they have been ordered through the website? We see it below.

Pyramidal system: the almond trick

Although the conditions of the page indicate otherwise, the truth is that the system could be a full-blown pyramid scam. Specifically, it would be a subtype of scam called Buy and Share.

sharazon is reliable opinions 2

As the name suggests, the basis of this type of scam is based on buying and sharing. Once we have paid for the product, the website supposedly stores our purchase in a database classified by date of purchase. The only way to increase in positions is to encourage other users to buy similar products. In this way, the web has liquidity to buy products constantly . The problem is that, as you may have imagined, the cash flow has a limit.

By buying products for a value well below their real value, the page will never be able to pay off the debt with all users . This affects, to a greater or greater extent, the most recent orders. If, by any chance, the website stops receiving orders, the most likely thing is that the latest orders will never be dispatched precisely due to lack of liquidity.

Italian company with no branch in Spain or legal information

By European regulations, any company, or in this case, an online store, operating within the European Union must specify the legal information relating to the entity. In this case, the only thing that we find when accessing the About us section in is a telephone and fax number and an address that takes us to a commercial street in the city of Bologna.

sharazon is reliable 1 reviews

We do not find any type of entity, or company name, or commercial registration number, or VAT number, not even a name of a natural person . Nor do we find a branch in Spain, something that not only violates current regulations, but also gives us clues that the business is not as transparent as it appears to be.

Guarantee, that great unknown

The current legislation in Europe estimates that all products sold within the European territory must have a guarantee of at least two years from the distributor (one in the case of the manufacturer). The problem is that, as we mentioned above, we did not find any information related to the legal form of the company behind Sharazon.

Although it is true that we can find a page within the portal designed to explain the conditions of the guarantee, it is very likely that at the moment of truth it will not be applied at the time of processing some type of repair or replacement of the product . Nor can we make a claim in the relevant body as we do not have tax information about the company, much less generate an invoice to said company in case of being self-employed or companies.

Sharazon reviews apparently bought

The most curious thing if we look for information related to Sharazon is that the majority of opinions of the store are positive. In this case, it is most likely that we are faced with paid opinions, either from people who have ordered the product in advance, or from people who have been coerced .

On pages like Trustpilot we only find people sharing their affiliation numbers or comments with an artificial Spanish . If we take a look at the negative opinions, the situation is very mixed.

"I placed an order with sharazon in May, 5 months have passed and I don't know anything about the order, in customer service they tell me they don't have exact times, but 5 months seems very strong to me.

“I asked 4 months ago at I have been compensated for 1 month, and I still have nothing at home. The shipping limit is 30 days and they have already passed it! It gives me that it smells like they are not formal! And since order 1 is still on the list, it is in the shipping process !!!  I would not buy, until there is someone with the receipt of the product. "

"They say they ask buyers to write an opinion and it is a LIE, they have multiplied positive opinions in a week and threaten those who denounce them, if you look at the opinions they are all Italian names and they repeat comments the same as well as a VERY Spanish, nobody has received nothing, don't be fooled, I've been waiting TWO MONTHS for them to write down my compensation for bringing friends and they only give LONG !!!!

We can therefore deduce that the majority of positive opinions are false. The only real opinions are those that we can find with low or very low scores.

Neither PayPal nor card payments ... Only bank transfers

As a general rule, any electronics store that operates on the Internet has multiple payment methods. PayPal, payment by credit or debit card, cash on delivery etc. Sharazon limits its payment methods to a single method: bank transfers .

As it is a website of Italian origin, the origin of the account has its origin in Italy. This translates into legal and bureaucratic obstacles if we want to claim the money for any particular reason.

Nobody gives hard four pesetas

Who sells an iPhone for half its price when they can sell it for the same price as the official sale value? What is the real profit of a store that sells products at cost price? If this purchasing system is so beneficial, why hasn't it been applied before? Nobody ever gives hard to four pesetas , and less if we talk about products with such high profit margins.