Keys to saving on the Pepeenergy electricity bill if you are a Pepephone customer

Keys to saving on the Pepeenergy electricity bill if you are a Pepephone customer

The famous MVNO entered the electricity market a few years ago through its Pepeenergy brand, ready to offer the same transparency policy that it had displayed as an operator. Today he comes back with a  new offer that is well worth a look .

Specifically,  if you already have a mobile or fiber rate with Pepephone, and you contract Pepeenergy, you will pay for the energy at cost without any additional fee. That is, they eliminate the monthly management fee when contracting electricity with them .  Here are all the details.

Light at cost price with no additional charge for new customers

From now on, all those clients with contracted Pepephone and Pepeenergy services  will pay for the energy at cost price, without any monthly surcharge . The company eliminates the margin that it had been applying for management amounting to 1.30 euros, which was divided into 1 euro for the fee and 0.30 euro for unemployment insurance. This discount will appear on the invoice.

Now, if you only contract Pepeenergy and do not have any other Pepephone service, you will pay 4 euros of monthly fee .


But there is still more. Along with the discount on the electricity bill, there is also the announcement of the owl rate . Come on, a lifetime rate of hourly discrimination. As a result, the normal rate will be called the parakeet rate and will have the same price all day. A perfect option for those who concentrate most of their consumption between 1:00 pm and 11:00 pm.

On the contrary, the owl rate is better adapted for those who carry out their activity at night or outside the home , within a time band that goes from 11 p.m. to 1 p.m.

How does the new model affect old customers?

From their own blog, they expand the information regarding the operator's former clients. As they point out, those who already had Pepeenergy contracted and no Pepephone services will continue to pay 1 euro fee . In other words, there is no price increase for current Pepeenergy customers.

For their part, customers who have already contracted Pepeenergy and also Pepephone, their quota will drop from 1 euro to 0 euros.