Blusens founder arrested for Blusens WebTV device

Blusens founder arrested for Blusens WebTV device

For a few years now, the founder of Blusens and the head of Blusens' WebTV black box has been on the cusp of success. His dream was to compete with the big technology brands, but he has ended up being arrested, according to El País. The magistrate Andrés Lago Louro, head of the Court of Instruction 3 of Santiago, is investigating José Ramón García and Miguel Silva for an alleged crime against intellectual property.

Just two years ago, García put the Blusens WebTV device on sale, a box that was successful, and allowed users to access audiovisual content for free. A complaint filed by Egeda (Entity for the Management of Rights of Audiovisual Producers) accuses this man of supposedly facilitating access to pirated links of encrypted broadcasts.

On the other hand, and according to El País, both Mediapro and LaLiga have appeared in the lawsuit as injured parties . The newspaper has indicated that on February 28, García was arrested along with three other people. With the complaint, it seems that the contents are no longer accessible.

Blusens, story of a fall into the abyssBlusens, story of a fall into the abyss

The young entrepreneurs, García and Silvia, both from Santiago de Compostela, started the project in 2002. They founded Blusens with a share capital that they put in half, of 3,006 euros. They ended up making televisions, tablets, and smartphones. They manufactured in China and moved the material on planes.

For five years, as El País recounts, Blusens bought factories in Shenzhen (China) and since 2007 dominated the MP3 market . Its market share was between 15 and 20%. He also created his own record label, opened his own stores and sold in up to 40 different countries. However, according to El País, the bank ended up abandoning the company and its partners began to leave the project.

But in his free fall he did not abandon his problems. Throughout these years, the company entered bankruptcy until its liquidation in 2017. This same newspaper indicates that the Court of A Coruña convicted a former position of the company and pointed out the company as a subsidiary responsible for a VAT fraud in Carousel that was perpetrated in 2005. Problems and convictions followed, but Garcia did not lose the will. And it even introduced a new smartphone prototype along the way.

To this last chapter of the soap opera Blusens we must add the last story that El País has made, with the arrest of García and six other investigated. 4,600 devices have been intervened and the company's servers are, for now, inactive. The sale and distribution of the famous WebTV device in 14,000 establishments has been blocked. Now customers ask the stores, angry, for the money back.