Fixed Nexus 5 battery problem with Android 5.0 Lollipop

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Since they updated their devices to Android 5.0 Lollipop , Nexus users are experiencing a real nightmare. A large majority of owners of these smartphones have observed different  errors in their devices : random reboots and crashes, failures to connect to wireless WiFi networks or excessive drainage of the battery of the equipment. The Nexus 5 has been one of the most affected models and if not ask its owners: the same ones who have filled pages and more pages in the forums dedicated to incidents related to these computers. The fact is that aware of the dissatisfaction of users with respect to this issue,Google was quick to develop a new update that would act as a corrective to fix all these errors. Some errors still have no solution, but the problems related to the battery drain in the Nexus 5 have been solved in a great majority of cases.

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If you have a Nexus 5 and have updated it to Android 5.0.1 Lollipop , the battery performance issues should be resolved. There is, however, the possibility that this is not the case and that you are still detecting an excessive drain of power from your terminal. In that case, we recommend applying the following changes manually:

1) Check if you have applications installed that have not been updated for a long time. This is one of the reasons that usually occurs excessive battery drain . What we recommend is to update those applications that have not been updated or uninstall those that you are not using because they do not serve you too much and they do not have updates available . It is very possible that with just this gesture you will get the battery of your Nexus 5 back to normal life.

2) Another thing that you can do that will probably also solve the problem (if the previous step had not worked for you): empty the cache . Sometimes cached items may be using your computer's power in an unproductive way, thus reducing battery life. To delete this content you will only have to access the configuration section of each application and look for the button that indicates Clear cache .

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But what if neither of these two manual methods have worked? Well, in this case, we recommend performing a factory reset . This is the most radical solution, since it will be necessary for you to first remove all the stored content and settings to achieve your goal . For this reason, it would be good if you made a backup before, accessing the Settings section and save all the information in a Google account , in the cloud.