The best memes and GIFs of the first heat wave of 2020 to share on WhatsApp


We are immersed in the first heat wave of this year 2020 . After a difficult few months, with COVID-19 looming, summer has arrived. We thought we would never reach it, but it is already here. And in the last week of July, which is also the prelude to August, thermometers threaten to break records. And so it will be.

It's normal for temperatures to rise in summer, but heat waves are always a bit scary. In fact, as of Thursday, there are thirteen autonomous communities on alert for high temperatures. And the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has registered up to 42 degrees in different parts of Spain: Cantabria, Guipúzcoa, Vizcaya, Navarra, La Rioja, in the Ebro valley and in the Guadalquivir.

Be that as it may, the best remedy for this heat wave will be, in the first place, the air conditioning. Second, maybe a good selection of ice cream. And third, a huge collection of memes and GIFs to share with your friends and family . Especially if, like you, they are also experiencing this heat wave. We have prepared a good battery for you so that, even if you are very hot, at least you laugh for a while.

Is it hot in your town?

- Yung Dupe 🎤 (@elyungdupe) July 7, 2020

A summer is not summer if you do not get the typical Bomerian memes about the heat on WhatsApp //

- The Vindice (@ Vindice37) July 30, 2020

On Twitter, the memes and jokes have not been long in coming. From the graduation of the gin associated with the figures of the thermometers, to the definition of the mental states that high temperatures bring us.

The heat it is doing these days has made me remember a "meme" from a few years ago:

- zascantuitter (@zascantuitter) July 31, 2020

* Anyway ... hypocrisy. *

It's not hot here so I recognized the meme and I couldn't contain the bullshit (? Jijijijiji 🤭🤭🤡 //

- Melii! 😆😘 (@MeliRPS) July 27, 2020

One of the main drawbacks of any heat wave worth its salt is, without a doubt, the inability to fall asleep at night. And it is that going to bed at night today can be something very similar to this.

how I feel my bed with this heat

- Black_Memes507 (@ Black_memes507) July 30, 2020

And they are, like every heat wave, competing for which autonomous community will suffer the most from the effects of the heatwave. Valencia? Madrid? Lleida? Bilbao?

Here you have a new and cool meme for the #Heat Wave

- 🔻 Bob Estropajo 🔻 (@BobEstropajo) July 29, 2020

One advantage of extreme heat is energy savings. In this Andalusian inn they fry the eggs in the middle of the street. 53 degrees in the sun, which is said soon.

- how much reason kevin (@aprobadosexual) July 5, 2020

Heat and coronavirus? Someone told us one day that the coronavirus would end with the arrival of heat. And the truth is that, with so many outbreaks in Spain, the theory is at least doubtful. Twitter users have made their own memes to laugh at the issue. Or is it the coronavirus that is laughing at us?

The coronavirus:

- Liben Svaart (@LibenSvaart) July 31, 2020

Outside of Twitter, the Spanish have also gotten to work with memes. There is something for everyone.


Even the Mona Lisa is tired from the heat. Scissors and goodbye hair.

The best memes and GIFs of the first heat wave of 2020 to share on WhatsApp 1

The fridge can be the best refuge for these days that await us.


Spain, really? Where do you live?


Going out, even to look a little at how it is on the street, is today an exercise in risk.

The best memes and GIFs of the first heat wave of 2020 to share on WhatsApp 2

Toledo is today another hot, hot spot. Cooling off in the river, a winter dream.


It is clear that if there is someone lucky they are all those who have a good air conditioner installed.


Without a doubt, the shade is always the best place to be. Although sometimes not like that.


It is true that living in a place over 40 degrees must be something very similar to hell. Put yourselves to safety.

The best memes and GIFs of the first heat wave of 2020 to share on WhatsApp 3

The heat wave is something very typical Spanish . Like the fan (do not leave it).


Be careful on the beaches. That the thing is burning.


The risk of melting. Another danger to behold.


The best? Take off your clothes to be cool ...


... take a good dip ...

ice cream

… And enjoy a good ice cream!